
Maximillion would like to make sure you are kept in the loop with all goings-on here at our headquarters.

Every month our team write compelling articles to deliver you updates on not only the Maximillion family but the whole industry.

Read all about it here!

Virtual Conferences

November 4, 2020 : News, Event Management

Many organisations have traditionally held a Conference at the start of the year for a number of different business reasons, be it fine tuning sales

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Virtual Learning and Development

September 10, 2020 : General Team Building, Team Development, News

Maximillion have been running a wide range of facilitated development programmes for many years, and have adapted our approach to ensure the principles and objectives

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Virtual Conferences

July 9, 2020 : News, Event Management

Virtual Conferences allow event organisers, speakers, attendees, stakeholders and sponsors to interact and engage remotely, as they would during a live event, through a virtual

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Maximillion Team Lockdown

April 21, 2020 : News

There have been some truly inspirational acts of kindness and fun creativity coming out across the world under lockdown. Outside of the worry for the

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Stay Motivated, Stay Engaged, Stay Remote

March 20, 2020 : Product Focus, General Team Building, Team Development, News

In light of C19, we’ve created a virtual team experience to keep employees motivated, engaged and connected – all without leaving the comfort and safety

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Organisational Distancing

March 19, 2020 : News

In light of C19 and to ensure that our service to our clients is uninterrupted whilst at the same time reduce the risk to our

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