
Maximillion would like to make sure you are kept in the loop with all goings-on here at our headquarters.

Every month our team write compelling articles to deliver you updates on not only the Maximillion family but the whole industry.

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Modern workplace learning in England

May 15, 2015 : Team Development, Event Management

Skills shortages are a major obstacle to business expansion, and more and more companies are looking for new ways of working with the education sector

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The Greenest Gold

April 27, 2015 : News


Maximillion are delighted to have secured our fourth consecutive Gold Award from GTBS. Maximillion joined the Green Tourism Business Scheme in 2007 when we were accredited

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Meet Elina

April 27, 2015 : News


Maximillion is delighted to welcome our new intern Elina who has come all the way from Finland! We wish her all the best as she

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