
Maximillion would like to make sure you are kept in the loop with all goings-on here at our headquarters.

Every month our team write compelling articles to deliver you updates on not only the Maximillion family but the whole industry.

Read all about it here!

Leuchie takes Pole Position

August 22, 2011 : News

In last month’s enews, Maximillion presented the opportunity for organisations to apply to prototype our new team building event “Pole Position” free of an event

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Go Lisbon!

August 22, 2011 : General Team Building

I recently had the pleasure of attending a FAM trip to Lisbon organised by the Lisboa Convention Bureau. The trip itself was very well organised,

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Developing teams – Formula 1 style

August 18, 2011 : General Team Building

Maximillion has teamed up with internationally recognised consultant PJ Stevens for a collaborative venture that combines our team building capabilities in the form of our

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Staff interview – Twitter style

July 21, 2011 : General Team Building

Staff interview – Twitter style 21 Jul 2011by Shoena Payne Many clients, venues and suppliers have commented that they enjoy reading our staff updates and finding

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Engaging fresh talent

July 20, 2011 : General Team Building

At this time of year, many organisations are turning their attentions to the fresh new clutch of talent, be they graduates or apprentices, who have been invited

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