Plain sailing – the result of good teamwork

April 9, 2010 : General Team Building

Lead Facilitator James Stuart outlines Setting Sail – a new team development programme for Spring – Summer 2010 focused on building performance teams:

Sailing has been part of the life-blood of Britain for centuries; indeed many of our greatest characters and leaders from history are sailors. Consider the exploits of Lord Cochrane, Ernest Shackleton or more recently Ellen MacArthur. Many of the stories surrounding these characters depict incredible leadership, courage through adversity or teamwork. There is much that can be learnt from both their example and the environment that shaped their behaviours.

Through this unique development intervention, Maximillion can now offer the opportunity to learn some of the lessons and to forge your team in the dynamic and challenging environment that has given rise to these amazing individuals.

The experience is deliberately practical, and focuses on giving you and your team numerous opportunities to test and evaluate your responses to situations and activities, developing your team work and refining leadership skills.  Each course is tailored to meet your needs and can link directly to other aspects of team or individual development programmes established in your workplace.

There are currently three different types of yacht to choose from; small day sailing yachts based on the Forth, a high performance racing yacht or a luxury cruising yacht. Both of the latter boats are based at Rhu on the West coast near to Glasgow.

Each offers a slightly different experience.  The day sailing yachts allow for racing against each other and smaller teams whilst the larger yachts require the coordinated (led) action of bigger teams and the opportunity to explore leadership and emotional management in greater detail.

For more information on the above or any related area of interest for Learning & Development, please contact Sandy Smith on 0131 333 0066 and

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