Team Effectiveness Inventory (TEI)

April 28, 2016 : Team Development, News

All Aboard, Teams, Team Development

What do the following organisations share in common?

Axis-Shield, NFU Mutual, RBS Group Technology, Reckitt Benckiser, Wood Group, BOC, Edinburgh Napier University, Business Stream and Pfizer

They have all commissioned Maximillion to develop their teams with programmes incorporating the Team Effectiveness Inventory (TEI).

Maximillion Lead Facilitator and TEI specialist Mike Tierney now shares some of his insights into the profiling tool and how it is used:

“As a facilitator of change interventions I find the TEI an indispensable component of my team change toolkit. Here’s why…

One of the challenges our clients face is when they intuitively feel that a team that they lead, or are part of, would develop from some sort of development intervention but are unsure what this intervention should focus on. Additionally, they have the challenge after the intervention of determining what impact, if any, what impact the development intervention had. To assist clients in overcoming these common challenges we have, for the last 15 years, found the Team Effectiveness Inventory, originally developed by Prof V. Hoevermeyer, to be a proven and effective tool.

A simply, administered, online questionnaire, completed by all team members gathers data around the five critical areas of team performance that drive business results:

Team Mission – clarity around purpose and priorities
Goal Achievement – commitment to making the right things happen
Empowerment – appropriate levels of accountability and responsibility
Open and Honest Communication – quality of dialogue
Team Roles and Norms – cooperation built on strong, shared, values

We have built a simple, four step process that allows us to achieve outstanding team development results with our clients:

TEI Model

In step 1 we obtain a ‘snapshot’ of where the team is in terms of its current level of effectiveness using the online questionnaire and consolidate the data into a graphical report showing the measures for each critical area.

In step 2 we interpret the data and identify the key improvement opportunities. In consultation with the client we then design a development intervention.

In step 3 we work with and coach the team through the intervention so the team owns its own performance, identifying the steps required for improvement and generating clarity and commitment to achieving these.

In step 4 after an appropriate of time has passes we follow up the intervention and repeat the measure for comparison with the baseline in order to demonstrate and quantify the extent of the impact.

This simple process allows us to work with our clients to create compelling team development interventions focussed on enhancing specific business outcomes. It also allows us to measure the impact of the intervention can be used to demonstrate a return on investment to the team and their key stakeholders.”

Please download the Team Effectiveness Workshops pdf here, or read on for further details and client case study links.

Our TEI programmes will:

• Accurately measure and benchmark your team’s current performance
• Highlight and prioritise areas for improvement and development
• Provide a fun shared experience that delivers real business benefits
• Incorporate a mechanism to measure the effectiveness of your team post-programme and articulate the return on your investment.

What’s included:

• Prior consultation & thorough team diagnostic. Post-programme measurement of team effectiveness within 2-3 months. Includes production of two interpretive reports – baseline measure and post-event comparative measure
• Facilitated by Maximillion team development experts
• In-company delivery run at a venue and time of your choice
• Delegate pre-reading & preparation
• Team and Personal Learning Logs
• Team intervention delivered over one day, or extended half day workshop. Includes ongoing review and final Thinking into Action sessions – a fast route to transferable learning

The end results:

• Starting with the end in mind – outcome led, results orientated
• Incorporates a research-based diagnostic tool
• Measures team effectiveness pre- and post-programme
• Pitched according to seniority profile
• Experiential programme content, grounding the learning more effectively back in the workplace
• Flexible and scalable for large and small groups

TEI case studies

Please follow the links below to a selection of TEI client case studies:
Axis-Shield project team development
RBS Group Technology – team development
NFU Mutual senior team development


For further information on the TEI and our Team Effectiveness Programmes please contact our L&D Consultant Sandy Smith on 0131 333 0066 and

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